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Living a fulfilling life is possible. Counseling can help.

woman smiling in grassy field
Carla Kucinski. Photograph by Carrie Lilly Photography.

Life is a beautiful and messy journey. It is comprised of millions of moments that can break and mend our hearts. And sometimes, those moments can make us lose our footing. We receive a medical diagnosis. We experience a traumatic event. We lose a loved one. When your world gets turned upside down, counseling can help you return to equilibrium.

What so many of us are craving lately is peace. Our hearts, bodies and souls are carrying so much. We’re worried and weary.

To move through and heal from our pain, we need more tools to help us feel grounded and secure. Feel our feelings instead of run from them. Develop a deeper relationship with ourselves. Create more harmony in our lives.

Maybe that’s what brought you to this site today. You’re trying to navigate uncertainty and change in your life. Maybe you’re constantly feeling overwhelmed and disconnected from yourself and others. Life feels out of balance. You used to have hope, but it feels a little lost right now. You feel adrift.

Sometimes we need someone to help guide us through these seasons of life and discover our own inner wisdom to grow, heal and thrive again. I’m here to help you find your way.  

I believe that everyone possesses the power to triumph over life’s difficulties and make positive changes that lead to growth and healing. Counseling provides a vehicle to help empower individuals, discover their inner strength and thrive in their lives. I believe the therapeutic relationship between counselor and client can be a powerful catalyst for change in a client’s life. I will sit with your pain and go on this journey with you, together.

If you’re ready to do the deep work, open to learning and growing, and committed to showing up for yourself, I invite you to reach out to me. It would be an honor to work with you.


Carla Kucinski

LCMHCA, NCC | Owner of Space to Heal Counseling and Wellness, PLLC

image of lotus flower and words space to heal counseling and wellness, pllc


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